Our application is a two page form where we ask about your current pets and your previous dog ownership, the size of your yard, any children in the home etc..
We ask for your veterinarian's details and if you rent then we also need your Landlords contact information.

You can download, print and then complete with good old fashioned pen and ink - or if your browser allow it, do that on-line. (or contact us and we will mail you the form.)

When complete - either

email as picture or as attachment (preferred) to admin@kcdoberescue.com

or USPS mail the application to
Kansas City Doberman Rescue
PO Box 681166
Riverside MO 64168

Click here to display/download the Application form (pdf)

No printer? Out of ink? Browser won't handle it? :-(
E-mail   admin@kcdoberescue.com
and we will send you one.